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Retention policy

Our policy on retaining your personal data 

Here’s a note of some of the personal data that we hold and for how long we keep it.

Personal data

Personal data

Online Registration, applications and interview records

Online Registration, applications and interview records

‘Right to work’ checks - unsuccessful

Six months if unsuccessful

If you’re happy for us to retain your data for future opportunities we’ll confirm how long we’ll keep it at the point that you give us the information

‘Right to work’ checks - workers

Two years after employment ends

Time sheets and Working Time Regulations opt-outs

Two and a half years

Records relating to maternity leave and maternity pay (and other family leave and pay)

Three years after the end of the tax year in which family related leave ended

Records relating to any accident, death or injury in connection with work

Three years from the date of the incident, or if anyone injured was under 18, three years from their eighteenth birthday

Worker files, including:

  • Application, CV and details of previous employment
  • Next of kin/emergency contact info
  • Contract for Services / Worker Contra
  • References given and received
  • Qualifications and checks with professional bodies
  • Annual reviews
  • Disciplinary/grievance records
  • Sickness absence records
  • Training records
  • Worker related correspondence
  • Subject access requests and responses
  • Consent for the processing of data
  • Driving licence and insurance data
  • Records of any advances or loans
  • Pension information

During your employment and six years after

Holiday records

Six years, or longer if any annual leave was carried over from previous years

Payroll records

Six years from financial year end

Collective workforce agreements and works council meeting minutes


Bank details

During your employment and six years after

Equal opportunities monitoring data

During employment and six years after

DBS certificate

For unsuccessful applicants, deleted immediately. Only kept during employment where relevant to the role and conviction remains unspent. Certificates should be deleted once a conviction becomes spent, unless the role allows you to carry out full DBS checks.

Records of criminal convictions

Deleted as soon as the conviction is spent, unless working in an exempt profession

Records of criminal convictions

Deleted as soon as the conviction is spent, unless working in an exempt profession

IP addresses, internet usage history, recorded calls and location data from company equipment

Six years

Court/tribunal papers

Six years


During your employment and six years after

Trade union agreements


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