Online Registration, applications and interview records
Online Registration, applications and interview records
‘Right to work’ checks - unsuccessful
Six months if unsuccessful
If you’re happy for us to retain your data for future opportunities we’ll confirm how long we’ll keep it at the point that you give us the information
‘Right to work’ checks - workers
Two years after employment ends
Time sheets and Working Time Regulations opt-outs
Two and a half years
Records relating to maternity leave and maternity pay (and other family leave and pay)
Three years after the end of the tax year in which family related leave ended
Records relating to any accident, death or injury in connection with work
Three years from the date of the incident, or if anyone injured was under 18, three years from their eighteenth birthday
Worker files, including:
During your employment and six years after
Holiday records
Six years, or longer if any annual leave was carried over from previous years
Payroll records
Six years from financial year end
Collective workforce agreements and works council meeting minutes
Bank details
During your employment and six years after
Equal opportunities monitoring data
During employment and six years after
DBS certificate
For unsuccessful applicants, deleted immediately. Only kept during employment where relevant to the role and conviction remains unspent. Certificates should be deleted once a conviction becomes spent, unless the role allows you to carry out full DBS checks.
Records of criminal convictions
Deleted as soon as the conviction is spent, unless working in an exempt profession
Records of criminal convictions
Deleted as soon as the conviction is spent, unless working in an exempt profession
IP addresses, internet usage history, recorded calls and location data from company equipment
Six years
Court/tribunal papers
Six years
During your employment and six years after
Trade union agreements
Terms and Conditions - Carbon Reduction Plan - Complaints Procedure - GDPR Data Protection Policy - Sexual Harassment Policy - Employees Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Modern Slavery Statement - Subject Access - Gender Pay Gap Reporting - Forgot Password - Retention Policy - Sectors - Gender pay and bonus gap reporting - Umbrella - Unsubscribe
Barker Ross Group Ltd Registration no: 08406011 - VAT No: 359617950
Barker Ross Staffing Solutions Ltd Registration no: 02234535 - VAT No: 661549814
Barker Ross Recruitment Ltd Registration no: 03158011 - VAT No: 104029268
Address: Mercury Place, 11 St George Street, Leicester, LE1 1QG