A white background with a few lines on it

Career Advice

How to write a cover letter?

A cover letter should be used to accompany your CV.

It allows your application to be more personal and highlight your strengths which may not be so clear in your CV thus impressing your employer.

So remember, don’t copy a template as the chances someone else may have also done the same are not so slim.

So how do you write a good cover letter?

  • The format should be clear.
  • First paragraph should be set out why you are writing the letter & when you are available to start the role. It should be addressed to the person who will be reading the letter.
  • The second should be along the lines of what attracted you to the position and what you can offer to the company. It’s a great way to show your skills match the requirements on the job specification. This shows the company you read the application thoroughly.
  • Finally, your final paragraph should show why you’re keen to have a personal interview and how you look forward to receiving a response.

Don’t forget to thank them!

Successful cover letter check list:

  • Keep it one side of A4, no recruiter wants to read too much as they may have many candidates.
  • Proof read your cover letter; this shows you are keen and interested in the position.
  • Tailor your cover letter for each company you aim it at.
  • Have a basic layout but change it to match the company.
  • Always include contact details and be polite.
  • The page layout should be easy to read and easy on the eye.
  • Show why you should be chosen for this position.
  • Don’t start every sentence with I.
  • Be enthusiastic and interesting.
  • Don’t repeat & treat the cover letter like a CV.
  • Be personal but professional.
How to prepare for an interview? Tell me about yourself... How to answer interview questions to get your perfect job? How to write a cover letter?
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