1. Protecting personal data
1.1 Protecting personal data is very important. Whether it belongs to you or individuals we work with we take our responsibilities very seriously.
1.2 Not only do we need to ensure that we protect your personal data but you also need to help us to protect other personal data that we hold.
1.3 We have appointed a ’Data Protection Officer’ to ensure that this policy is implemented appropriately. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or the processing of personal data please speak with them first.
1.4 Our Data Protection Officer is Amanda Wrisdale, the Group HR Manager. (dpo@barkerross.co.uk)
1.5 When dealing with personal data there are eight principles that you and we need to follow.
The personal data needs to be:
(a) Processed fairly and lawfully;
(b) Relevant and not excessive;
(c) Processed for limited purposes and in an appropriate way;
(d) Accurate;
(e) Not kept longer than necessary;
(f) Processed in accordance with the laws dealing with personal data;
(g) Kept secure;
(h) Not transferred to people or organisations in countries without adequate protection.
There is a lot to understand in respect of these principles. This policy should help you to ensure that your and our treatment of personal data is appropriate and lawful. If you have any questions please direct them to the ’Data Protection Officer’ by emailing dpo@barkerross.co.uk, or writing to the Data Protection Officer,
Barker Ross Group,
Mercury Place,
11 St George Street,
Leicester, LE1 1QG.
1.6 We process personal data fairly and lawfully. Grounds for processing personal data include: with your consent, to comply with a legal obligation, in your vital interests, in the performance of a contract with you or in our legitimate interests (or a third party processing your personal data). If the personal data is sensitive additional conditions will be met.
1.7 At the end of this policy we identify the categories of personal data that we collect and the reasons for processing it along with a privacy notice explaining more about what we do with your personal data.
1.8 Where we process the following data we will secure your consent before doing so:
(a) Personal data about your health to:
(i) Monitor sick leave; and
(ii) Take decisions as to your fitness for work;
(b) Processing personal data to meet with our legal obligations to third parties including pensions and insurance providers;
(c) Processing personal data to measure and manage equal opportunities;
(d) Transferring your personal data to a country outside of the European Economic Area provided that we are satisfied with the protections that they have in place to protect your data (unless it’s a one off transfer of data);
(e) Sharing your personal data with a company within our group (where applicable) or with any person or business that intends to buy us or take over control;
(f) Sharing your personal data with the Fit For Work Service, your doctor, consultant and/or occupational health specialist;
(g) Sharing your personal information with the Disclosure and Barring Service (or equivalent).
1.9 If you want us to show you personal data that we hold on you then you need to make a request in writing to the ‘Data Protection Officer’. We might ask you for more details about the request or give you a template letter to help with your request. Where the request isn’t made in person we will always ask for two forms of identity to confirm that it is you making the request.
1.10 We’ll always try and acknowledge your request when we receive it. We’ve got between 30 days and three months to respond in full to your request.
1.11 We may ask you to contribute towards the administration fee in processing your request.
1.12 If you are asked to disclose personal data you should notify the Data Protection Officer immediately and follow their instructions.
1.13 You can ask us to delete your personal data where:
(a) Processing it is no longer necessary bearing in mind the reason it was collected;
(b) It is being processed unlawfully;
(c) You object to us processing your personal data (unless we have an over-riding legitimate interest for continuing to process it in which case we may continue to do so, for example we are required to retain this information as you have accepted work and completed a paid assignment with us).
1.14 Where information we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete you can ask us rectify the data.
1.15 You can ask us to stop processing your data where:
(a) Processing is unlawful;
(b) You say that the information that we hold is inaccurate;
(c) You don’t consider we have a ‘legitimate interest’ for processing the data (unless we have an over-riding legitimate interest for continuing to process it in which case we will continue to do so).
1.16 If we think that you’re abusing these rights and making unfounded or excessive requests we may refuse your request or may charge a reasonable administration fee for processing the request.
1.17 We have processes in place to ensure that the accuracy of the personal data that we hold is up to date. Obviously, if personal data that we hold on you is out of date or inaccurate please notify the Data Protection Officer. We will talk to you at least once a year about the personal data that we hold on you, whether it is still necessary to hold that data and whether any of it is inaccurate or out of date.
1.18 Wherever possible you should always encrypt personal data so that it is not easily accessible to others. Equally, you and we should not capture more personal data than is needed for the purpose identified. Where you are able to anonymise personal data you are encouraged to do so.
1.19 We will retain your personal data in accordance with published retention periods. We have processes in place to ensure that personal data isn’t kept for longer than necessary. Once it’s no longer necessary for processing purposes we will delete it.
1.20 We have put appropriate security measures in place to stop accidental loss of, or damage to personal data. Where we ask third parties to process your personal data we will ensure that they have appropriate security measures in place too and that they comply with data protection legislation.
1.21 Bear in mind that desks and equipment hold personal data. You should keep locked away or password protected any personal data and such data should be kept out of view of others at all times. Please ensure that you comply with our ‘email, the internet and our equipment’ policy and our ‘clear desk’ policies along with other relevant policies.
1.22 A data breach is a breach of data security that leads to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorised disclosure of personal data. It includes sending emails to the wrong person, carelessness with passwords and leaving personal data on desks. If you become aware of a data breach you should immediately notify the Data Protection Officer.
1.23 Usually, we will only process or share your personal data for the purpose it was collected. So, if it was gathered as part of a discussion about a medical condition that you have then generally we will not use the information for any other reason. Sometimes, in processing personal data we become aware of information that we cannot ignore, even if it means using it for a purpose beyond the reason it was collected. For example, if we use CCTV for
health and safety reasons and happen upon misconduct we are not expected to ignore that. Where that is the case, we will confirm the extended use of the personal data.
1.24 If you become aware that personal data has become lost, stolen or otherwise transferred outside of Barker Ross Group accidentally or without authorisation, you need to report this immediately to the Data Protection Officer.
1.25 If you breach this policy that will be dealt with under our disciplinary policy.
1.26 This policy may be changed from time to time. We will notify you of any changes.
Your name
See below
Your address, bank account details, personal contact details
See below
Next of kin details
See below
Information, health and safety
Health and safety
Driving Licences
See below
Confirmation of right to drive
DVLA check
See below
Confirmation of right to drive
DBS check
See below
Confirmation of acceptability for role
DBS check that shows cautions or convictions
See below
Confirmation of acceptability for role
Professional qualifications
See below
Confirmation of acceptability for role
Contractual /
Worker compliance
See below
Confirmation of acceptability for role
Night work questionnaires and medical questionnaires
See below
Required to meet compliance requirements
Worker induction documents
See below
Required to meet compliance requirements
Barker Ross Group
Our client, where we place you in an assignment
Barker Ross Group
Barker Ross Group
In the event of an accident, we may need to share this with the client where you are working on assignment
Barker Ross Group
Shared with a client where you are placed in a Driver role
Barker Ross Group
Shared with a client where you are placed in a Driver role
Barker Ross Group
You, U Check – DBS provider)
The actual DBS check is read then confidentially destroyed. A note of the result is retained and will be shared with a client on request
Barker Ross Group
You, U Check – DBS provider)
DBS checks with cautions / convictions will be retained for the period of your ongoing registration
Barker Ross Group
Copies of professional qualifications may be required to be shared with our clients to demonstrate your ability to fulfil the role that you are being placed into
Barker Ross Group
You, your referees, U Check (where a DBS check applies)
Managed Service Providers (MSP clients) where your details are shared with a compliance portal managed by the MSP
Barker Ross Group
Managed Service Providers (MSP clients) where your details and questionnaire responses are shared with a compliance portal managed by the MSP
Barker Ross Group
Specific client that requires this data
We’re serious about protecting your personal data. This note explains:
If you have any questions or queries about this notice please email us at dpo@barkerross.co.uk
The personal data that we collect includes your name, address, email address, telephone number, mobile phone number, proof of right to work documents and data, bank account, training and qualifications, trade memberships, preferences, IP address (the number that uniquely identifies a specific computer.
If the role you have registered for requires a security check, we will also obtain a DBS check provided by you. We collected your personal data from you. We also collected the following personal data from third parties:
We always ensure that we have a lawful basis for processing the personal data that we collect. In this case the lawful basis for processing is to offer work finding services.
You have the right to request access to your personal data, amendments to it and for it to be deleted. Further information about those rights along with your right to withdrawn any consent you’ve given or object to our processing your data can be found in our data protection policy. That policy also includes who to speak with if you have any queries about our approach to processing your personal data.
We’re committed to using your personal data responsibly and lawfully. Here’s what we do with your personal data:
Your personal data is all stored within the UK.
To help us to maintain the accuracy of the personal data that we hold please notify the Human Resources Manager OR the Data Protection Officer if we hold out of date or inaccurate information about you.
There are only a few occasions where we will share your personal data with a third party. They are:
There may be occasions where you will be requested to share your personal details to have a key fob, entry card or biometric scan, such as a finger print. Such information will only be used to allow you access to a client site. Where this is the case, you will be informed in advance and be required to consent to such data being shared separately.
The data controller collecting your personal data for the purpose of this policy is Barker Ross Group Limited and its Group Companies; Barker Ross Staffing Solutions Limited, Barker Ross Recruitment Limited and Cardea Resourcing Limited, T/A Barker Ross Health and Social Care. We use accepted standards of technology and security to protect your personal data.
Our ‘retention policy’ lists the type of data we process and for how long it is kept. You can access that policy by reviewing the Retention policy below.. If you would like us to delete your data and we don’t have a lawful reason to retain it you can make a deletion request by writing to The Data Protection Officer, Barker Ross Group, Mercury Place, 11 St George Street, Leicester, LE1 1QG.
You can ask us for a copy of the personal data that we hold on you by writing to The Data Protection Officer, Barker Ross Group, Mercury Place, 11 St George Street, Leicester, LE1 1QG. We’ll ask you for copies of two types of approved identity in order to process your request (such as a passport and driving licence). You can also ask us to make corrections to data you consider to be inaccurate by writing to The Data Protection Officer, Barker Ross Group, Mercury Place, 11 St George Street, Leicester, LE1 1QG.
Here’s a note of some of the personal data that we hold and for how long we keep it.
Job applications and interview records
Six months if unsuccessful
If you’re happy for us to retain your data for future opportunities we’ll confirm how long we’ll keep it at the point that you give us the information
‘Right to work’ checks
Two years after employment ends
Time sheets and Working Time Regulations opt-outs
Two and a half years
Records relating to maternity leave and maternity pay (and other family leave and pay)
Three years after the end of the tax year in which family related leave ended
Records relating to any accident, death or injury in connection with work
Three years from the date of the incident, or if anyone injured was under 18, three years from their eighteenth birthday
Employment files, including:
During your employment and six years after
Holiday records
Six years, or longer if any annual leave was carried over from previous years
Payroll records
Six years from financial year end
Collective workforce agreements and works council meeting minutes
Bank details
During your employment and six years after
Equal opportunities monitoring data
During employment and six years after
DBS certificate
For unsuccessful applicants, deleted immediately. Only kept during employment where relevant to the role and conviction remains unspent. Certificates should be deleted once a conviction becomes spent, unless the role allows you to carry out full DBS checks.
Records of criminal convictions
Deleted as soon as the conviction is spent, unless working in an exempt profession
Records of criminal convictions
Deleted as soon as the conviction is spent, unless working in an exempt profession
Death benefit nomination and revocation forms
During employment (and if any payments are made, six years after the last payment of benefit)
IP addresses, internet usage history, recorded calls and location data from company equipment
Six years
General commercial personal data – e.g. sales information, client data
Six years
Court/tribunal papers
Six years
During your employment and six years after
Trade union agreements
Terms and Conditions - Carbon Reduction Plan - Complaints Procedure - GDPR Data Protection Policy - Sexual Harassment Policy - Employees Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Modern Slavery Statement - Subject Access - Gender Pay Gap Reporting - Forgot Password - Retention Policy - Sectors - Gender pay and bonus gap reporting - Umbrella - Unsubscribe
Barker Ross Group Ltd Registration no: 08406011 - VAT No: 359617950
Barker Ross Staffing Solutions Ltd Registration no: 02234535 - VAT No: 661549814
Barker Ross Recruitment Ltd Registration no: 03158011 - VAT No: 104029268
Address: Mercury Place, 11 St George Street, Leicester, LE1 1QG